UTD Graduation

Graduation day!
After Vernon retired, he returned to UTD and  changed his major from Accounting to Economics.  Vernon had about 80 hours towards his Accounting Degree and only needed three more hours in Accounting to be eligible to take the CPA Exam.  Vernon graduated from UTD in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics and Finance.  INTERESTING THAT HIS BACHELOR'S DEGREE CAME 50 YEARS AFTER HIGH SCHOOL!!!

Vernon amongst the younsters!


I am very proud of Vernon achieving this when he was almost 70 years old!

Vernon and Susan

Susan also is a UTD Graduate with a Bachelors and a Masters Degree.  In this picture Vernon said to Susan "you know we each got one B, but I was proud of mine"!  Ha Ha!

Vernon is trying to look the studious part with the spectacles!

Kathy put her first husband through a Ph.D. and Vernon feels he is entitled to one too!  Do you think at 80 of age there is a chance of that??

Vernon walking with Susan, behind him Keith, Erma and Nancy.

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