The Farm


Vernon with Deiders, Bo & the "Runt"
Most everyone fell off Deiders at one time or another;
however, Vernon regularly fell off Deiders
and one time,  Deiders and Vernon were doing figure
 eights and Deiders slipped on the Bermuda grass
and fell on his side pinning Vernon's leg under him.

Vernon (Kathy on Deiders) Jim & Julie on Boand Gerald in the background
An Interesting Story
Vernon and I were attending the Pilot Point Cattle Auction to purchase
a few calves.  Of course being new, we didn't know what we were doing
or if we even bought a calf.  During the acution, we went to the cashier and
asked how many calves Vernon Luna had purchased.  The cashier looked
 at the records and said "there are no sales for Vernon Luna but,
 CENTEL has purchased six!
Note the Centel Sweat Shirt above - that is what Vernon wore to the sale

Bo & Deiders (Deiders was always in charge)
A Cute Story
We had a feeding trough in a pasture by the fence
at the farm.  Vernon, Gerald and I were sitting
in the shade of the barn when old Deiders walked
over to the trough and stood there forever just waiting
 to be fed.  It was as if he had on his bib and he was standing
 there with a fork, knife and spoon waiting for his meal.
  When the oats arrived, and Bo too, Deiders bit Bo
 on his butt and said "You, Bo, will wait until I'm done!"

Bo could be caught easily (Deiders was too smart to be caught)
but, once you put the lead rope on Bo and led him to the gate
Deiders would run like thunder to the gate and would be there
waiting so he could go too.   But, Deiders was afraid of every
thing on the farm - chickens, cows, railroad ties etc. until
he discovered that he could bully them and he delighted in that
once he got over his initial fear.  He would walk through the
chickens while they were eating and delighted himself in scattering them everywhere!

Mama & her calf

Vernon's Cows

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