This page is for pictures from the party...
Curtis and Gwen (Early Arrivals)
Vernon & Kathy arriving with Curtis and Petie in front
Gwen (behind) with Kim & Greg in background
Leslie & her daughter (Petie) and Curtis in front
Brandi, Vernon & Kim in background
Gwen is seated at the table
Kim, Brandi & Kathy
Brandi & Kathy with
Vernon & Kim in Background
Marcia Tharp in front
Terry coming in door with John, Freda & Curtis
Vernon welcoming Pat & Orville Soesbee and
Sharon Mawson (cousins)
Vernon & Kathy greeting Peggy & Phil Klasky
Vernon talking with his cousin, Pat Soesbee
with Sharon Mawson & Orville Soesbee to the left
Arrival of Sally Campbell, Louise & Ed Crabtree
Great Grandchildren Amber & Hunter in front
with Brandi admiring them
Diane in background
Brandi hugging Bobby with Julie and children also in picture
Bryan's arrival with Amber in front
Amber Stautzenberger (Great Granddaughter)
with Vernon & Louise in background
Ron & Sally Cambell with backs to us
Arrival of friends Peggy Champion and
Diane & Jim Krizmanic
Brandi with Papa the Birthday Boy
Peggy Champion to the right
Peggy Champion on left and her husband Ray on right with
Diane Krizmanic in middle
Bobby, Diane & Brandi
The gorgeous spread of food
Lois, Kim & Bryan sitting with
Peggy Champion standing to right
Vernon's cousin, Paula Diane & her husband Terry Brogdon
John Osborne (Freda's Husband)
Bill & June Vernier with Kathy standing
Ray Champion & Jim Krizmanic sitting
Beautiful daughter, Diane in front, Gwen to left
Bobby standing to right behind
Vernon's Cherry Black Forest Birthday Cake
Vernon's beautiful daughter, Susan
Susan's Husband, Keith
Greg & Brandi in Background
Lois & Ron Abadie to right
Kim (Michael's wife to left)
Bryan Wriston
with Kathy standing
Standing in line for the wonderful appetizers
Robert & Pat Kolb, Dr. Julie Chapman
Sandi & Mike Zelsmann with
Greg, Jim Luna and Keith
Sharon Mawson, with Orville & Pat Soesbee
Diane with daughter, Brandi (look alikes)
Are they sisters or what?
Sharon, Orville & Pat
The Birthday Boy
Lois & Ron Abadie
Brandi, Julie, Bobby & Greg
Nice! It looks like one of the Chicago venues where we just celebrated our 20th anniversary. It was a small gathering just like this. Anyways, Happy birthday to the 80-year young. And it definitely looks like everybody had a great time here. It is such a sweet post.